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  MEMOMED is a flexible application that allows each clinician to have a list of patients with related diagnostic tests , on an Android terminal.Functionality:- Recording data and details of the patient ( with the possibility to directly activate the call and send mail);- Inclusion of investigations, selected from a list indefinitely extensible and customizable , with the appearance of the status of the examination and the date of execution " calendarizzabile " ;- List of procedures generally on track (with the possibility to trace the corresponding Pt) ;- List of the processes sorted by date (with the possibility to go back , day -to-day investigations booked)- Saving data in photographic format ( history, physical exam , etc.).- A field notes / comments for each screen ( for inpidual needs )An application designed to help doctors in specialist training ( directly involved in the organization of the diagnostic of patients) , but which, thanks to its flexibility , it can be used by anyone who wants to have a prospectus patients / ongoing investigations always on own phone.